When Is The Best Time To Wax My Car?

When Is The Best Time To Wax My Car?

When Is The Best Time To Wax My Car?
The season is changing now that summer is over, and the cold is on its way. The harsh winter water causes your vehicle to need a wax. We recommend doing it now because it will give your car a new shine just in time for the new season. It also protects your car from the elements.
This Full Service Exterior Detail is the perfect was to get your vehicle for the Winter. The wash will include:
-Remove dirt, dust, and pollen from the dash and all interior plastics
-Cracks and crevices are blown out with compressed air
-All carpets and mats are vacuumed
-Soap foam and water wash
-Wheel brite, towel dry
-Clay Bar
-Iron X Iron Remover (paint decontamination)
-Buffer Wax
-Polish spray sealant and paint protectant: shine, protect, and seal clear coat application
-Windows and door jams
-All plastics are shined and restored
-Clean wheels and tires shine
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